Dong Ha Kim
Ewha Womans University
Dong Ha Kim has completed his PhD in 2000 from Seoul National University and postdoctoral studies from University of Massachusetts at Amherst and Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research. He is Ewha Fellow and the director of National Leading Research Lab. He has published more than 130 SCI papers and registered 1 US and 26 Korean patents.
Research Interest
1. Multifunctional low-dimension hybrid nanomaterials for applications in energy storage & conversion, environmental remediation, light emission, theragnosis, memory; 2. Surface Plasmon resonance (SPR) mediated biomedical diagnosis and therapy, photovoltaics, photocatalysis, enhanced light emission; 3. Nanofabrication, nanolithography, and nano-patterning via self-assembly of block copolymers