V. Rajendran
Professor and Director
Center for Nano Science and Technology,Tamil Nadu
Dr. V Rajendran is presently working in the areas of nano metal oxides for different industrial applications, Nanosilica from rice husk for applications such as textiles and biomedicals, Nano bioactive glasses for biomedical applications, and is developing Nanoparticles from herbal plants for biomedical applications. Under his able guidance, 24 scholars have completed their Ph.D. degrees and 6 scholars are currently pursuing their Ph.D. degrees. He has to his credit more than 230 research papers in reputed peer-reviewed international journals, 125 papers in conference proceedings, 25 textbooks, 2 research books, 1 monograph, 1 compendium book, 14 edited research books, 7 edited conference proceedings, and 13 patents. He is in the peer review group (Editor/Editorial Member) for many international and national referred journals. He is the Principal Investigator of 20 completed, sponsored research projects with a fund involvement to the tune of INR 33.00 million. Presently, sponsored research projects to the tune of INR 5.9 million are under progress with sponsorships from Nanomission DST, DRDO, BRNS, etc.
Research Interest
nano metal oxides for different industrial applications, Nanosilica from rice husk for applications such as textiles and biomedicals, Nano bioactive glasses for biomedical applications, and is developing Nanoparticles from herbal plants for biomedical applications.